Established by the renowned Nagarjuna Education Society (1967) in the year 1985


College of Engineering



Approved by AICTE | Affiliated to Acharya Nagarjuna University



College of Engineering


About The Nagarjuna Education Society(NES)

The Nagarjuna Education Society (Regd.), Guntur, was established and registered in 1967 by Philanthropists, Medical Doctors, Industrial and Commercial houses and the elite of Guntur with a mission of serving the Society through promotion of Education, Literature and Culture.

The Nagarjuna Education Society(NES) had taken its birth with the social objective of providing educational opportunities to the rural youth who had been migrating to the towns in pursuit of education. The concept gained momentum and the Nagarjuna Education Society was established and Registered on 27th December, 1967 (No. 56 of 1967) under Societies Act XXI of 1860 with the following objectives, incorporated in the memorandum of articles.

  1. To establish, aid and maintain educational, cultural and other institutions to impart education, at all stages, for promotion of literature, arts and science and all other subjects for the diffusion of useful knowledge in Andhra Pradesh.
  2. To raise necessary funds to maintain educational institutions under its management and administer them.
  3. To grant aid to deserving students for promotion of studies.
  4. To arrange ‘extension lectures’ in one or more branches of knowledge.
  5. To print and publish journals or magazines with articles contributing to the growth of knowledge, human understanding and culture.
  6. To do all such other things as may be conducive to the development or incidental to attain the above objects.

The strength of the Society is that it is not a religious or charitable or social or a family trust. No individual had a controlling interest and the society did not bequeath large endowments that confer managing right or controlling interest on any group or individual. It is purely an educational society to which numerous people, organizations and individuals have donated, only to contribute to the cause of education than for a personal gain or aggrandizement.

The enthusiasm, spirit of service and the pursuit of objectives have been sustained for the last forty years by a succession of members. Power struggles to get hold of the society, crises of management, interference in the administration and dominance of individuals in the society’s affairs were totally absent in its history. General Body Meetings, elections to the Executive Body are regularly conducted in a cordial manner and the elected members are vested with their defined responsibilities as per the memorandum of articles. Most of the Executive Members are unanimously elected. Everyone had the same mission, promoting education, not himself.

Quality of instruction through student-centered teaching, updating the teacher-capability and qualifications, exploiting the student talent, developing personality and citizenship in students are the guiding principles in running the institutions. Seminars, Workshops for teachers/students are regularly held to diffuse knowledge beyond the curriculum.

Financial assistance to the poor and needy students was liberally provided through scholarship endowments.

Details of its Promoters including their Background

1. Late Jagarlamudi Chandramouli (1914-1987) - The Founder President of Nagarjuna Education Society. An Industrialist, a Philanthropist and a people’s representative. He is extremely conscious about the Society and welfare of the poor. His vision is responsible for the formation of Nagarjuna Education Society and establishment of five educational institutions including three of higher learning. He is a Chief Donor for the Nagarjuna Education Society and managed the Society for 20 years as President. His personal influence fetched considerable donations for the colleges. An ideal citizen, literally.

2. Late Dr. K. Sadasiva Rao - The Founder-Secretary of the Society who succeeded Jagarlamudi Chandramouli as President after his death. A renowned surgeon, with a weakness for the rural poor. He provided them with medical treatment at the lowest cost. He was on the faculty of Guntur Medical College and was instrumental in starting the colleges. He provided direction to the Society in policy planning and implementation. He had a taste for literary and cultural activities.

He retired as President of Nagarjuna Education Society in 2003, owing to old age after sixteen years of distinguished contribution. All his children and their spouses are super-specialists in Medicine and Surgery and supported their father in his social activities.

3. Dr. K. Basavapunnaiah - A Founder Member & the present President of Nagarjuna Education Society is a highly respected Physician, associated with Nagarjuna Education Society since its inception in various capacities as Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary & Correspondent of a college. He himself started a public school under Nagarjuna Education Society. A silent philanthropist whose personal donations of quite a few lakhs to various educational and social organizations is known only to a few. His family trust is one of the principal donors for the institutions.

Known for his discipline and administrative acumen, his presence and contribution to the growth of Nagarjuna Education Society is significant. In all the major events he is a hands-on worker. He is a great leader who induced discipline, commitment and work ethics into the staff of the colleges. He is the central figure in policy planning, decision making and crisis management. He is nominated as Academic senate member of Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur.

4. Dr. M. Gopalkrishna - A Founder Member and the present Secretary of Nagarjuna Education Society and Secretary & Correspondent of R.V.R. & J.C.College of Engineering, Guntur the biggest institute sponsored by Nagarjuna Education Society. A famous Surgeon in this part of the State with a number of awards from Indian Medical Association for outstanding contribution to Surgery. In spite of being very busy with his medical profession, he spares the time required for attending to the affairs of Nagarjuna Education Society and in managing the biggest institution of the Society. A great human being who lost count of his donations to institutions, temples, organizations and individuals. His family trust is a principal donor for NES and institutions.

He has a cool management style and is very good at breeding managers and delegation of work. He motivates people through liberal appreciation and benefits for the real workers.

5. Sri. Rayapati Sambasiva Rao - A Member of the present Lok Sabha and the Chairman of Jayalakshmi Group of Enterprises. He is a Founder-Member of the Society. His brother Dr.Rayapati Srinivas and his uncle Vidwan Gogineni Kanakaiah have rendered great service in the development of the Society and the institutions. The Jayalakshmi Group is one of the Chief Donors to the Society/Institution and the services rendered by the Rayapati family, is significant. He is catalyst for development and new ventures.

Some of the donor trusts and commercial establishments who have liberally contributed in kind and as a service are

  1. Jayalakshmi Tobaccos Limited.
  2. Jayalakshmi Charitable Trust.
  3. Navabharat Enterprises.
  4. Sri. Yarlagadda Venkanna Choudary Charities.
  5. Lakshmi Enterprises
  6. KLP Charitable Trust.
  7. Dr. M. Gopalkrishna & Family.
  8. Bommidala Brothers Limited.

The promoters of Nagarjuna Education Society have advanced considerable personal money to the institutions during the lean periods of income, in the early stages of the institutions which is a reflection of their commitment.

President's Message

From the President's Office,
Dr. R. Srinivas

I welcome you to the website of RVR&JC College of Engineering (Autonomous), a Guntur based institution of Higher Learning, training Under-graduate and Post-graduate students in Engineering and Management for award of Degree from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur.

Established in 1985, under the aegis of Nagarjuna Education Society, the RVR & JC College of Engineering has crossed many a mile in its uncompromising journey and ambitious mission to provide educational opportunities to the rural youth, who were migrating to towns, in pursuit of education in the 1980s. Realising the long cherished dream of offering value based education, today, RVR & JCCE is proud to say that it is one of the premier institutes in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Its pragmatic approach, meticulous planning, sincere efforts and steadfast commitment earned the respect and reputation it is enjoying today. To its credit, the institution has been accredited 7 times by the NBA and also received NAAC 'A+' Grade. Its passion for education and innovation, s past efforts on academic performances and the capability of self governance, won the autonomy status in 2012.

The successful path to this premier institute has been laid by many likeminded Management Colleagues of mine, without whose mention this message would lose its spirit. Notable among them were, Late Sri. Jagarlamudi Chandramouli garu, Late Sri G. Rama Rayudu garu, Late Dr.K.Sadasivarao garu, Late Sri G. Kanakaiah garu, Dr.K. Basavapunnaiah garu, Dr.M.GopalKrishna garu, Sri Rayapati Sambasiva Rao garu and those among the present executive that are with the society, since 1967. Today, its heartening to note that this 39 year old institute acted as a catalyst in transforming the lives of many engineering and management aspirants who have settled in very good positions in India and abroad.

As the 21st century education is about giving students the skills they need to succeed in the fast emerging dynamic world, and helping them grow the confidence to practice those skills, I am quite confident that all the departments of the college, with highly qualified and committed faculty members, along with good administrative support is successful in providing the best academic instruction and nurturing environment, necessary for the current smart generation. The Institute is also committed to putting in place the best of infrastructure, and attracting and retaining highly qualified faculty and staff, without any compromise, so as to provide the best student experience.

Mushrooming of Engineering colleges in the first decade of 21st century, nor landing of a couple of deemed to be universities in the AP, lately, was absolutely not a competition to the RVRJCCE, due to its adherence to core principles and non-profit motto. Through well established work culture, clear cut ideologies and principles, the institution could virtually insulate itself from the volatility of the variable cause-system due to external factors. The RVR& JC College of Engineering could retain its position of eminence among the fraternity of private engineering institutions and has a reason to take a little pride in its fruitful journey, while promising to leave no stone unturned in its future endeavours.

The Executive Body

Dr. Rayapati Srinivas
- President, Nagarjuna Education Society and the Constituent Institutions

Dr. Srinivas is a former Vice-President and Secretary of Nagarjuna Education Society. Former MLC, a Physician, a social worker, a Philanthropist and a patron of numerous social service and cultural organizations.

Sri. Rayapati Gopala Krishna
-Secretary & Correspondent

Sri Rayapati Gopala Krishna hails from the famous Rayapati family.

He is an Educationist, Businessman; Director, Jayalakshmi Group of Enterprises. He established Rayapati Venkata Ranga Rao College of Education, Guntur.

Dr. K. Krishna Prasad
- Treasurer of the college and Secretary & Correspondent of Dr.K.L.P.Public School.

Dr. K. Krishna Prasad is an eminent Medical Practitioner (Paediatrics) of Guntur.

The Executive Committee of RVR & JC College of Engineering

Dr. R. Srinivas
Dr. R. Srinivas


Sri. J. Murali Mohan
Sri. J. Murali Mohan

B.Tech., M.B.A (U.S)

Dr. M. Jagadish Kumar
Dr. M. Jagadish Kumar


Sri. R. Gopala Krishna
Sri. R. Gopala Krishna

Secretary & Correspondent

Dr. R. Srinivas
Dr. K. Krishna Prasad


Sri. J. Murali Mohan
Sri. V. Kuppu Swamy

Additional Secretary

Dr. M. Jagadish Kumar
Dr. K. Vara Prasad,M.S.


Sri. R. Gopala Krishna
Sri. Chukkapalli Ramesh


Dr. R. Srinivas
Dr. P. Gopi Chand

Special Invitee

Sri. J. Murali Mohan
Sri. J. Suresh

Special Invitee

Dr. M. Jagadish Kumar
Sri. K. Ranga Rao

Special Invitee

The Executive Committee of RVR & JC College of Engineering

Dr. R. Srinivas
Dr. R. Srinivas


Sri. J. Murali Mohan
Sri. J. Murali Mohan

B.Tech., M.B.A (U.S)

Dr. M. Jagadish Kumar
Dr. M. Jagadish Kumar


Sri. R. Gopala Krishna
Sri. R. Gopala Krishna

Secretary & Correspondent

Dr. R. Srinivas
Dr. K. Krishna Prasad


Sri. J. Murali Mohan
Sri. V. Kuppu Swamy

Additional Secretary

Dr. M. Jagadish Kumar
Dr. K. Vara Prasad,M.S.


Sri. R. Gopala Krishna
Sri. Chukkapalli Ramesh


Dr. R. Srinivas
Dr. P. Gopi Chand

Special Invitee

Sri. J. Murali Mohan
Sri. J. Suresh

Special Invitee

Dr. M. Jagadish Kumar
Sri. K. Ranga Rao

Special Invitee

Sri T.Sekhar
Sri T.Sekhar

Principal, MBTS Govt. Polytechnic, Nallapadu


Principal,Dr.YSR ANU College of Engineering & Technology,


Member / Director-Academics and R&D

Dr.N.Venkateswara Rao
Dr.N.Venkateswara Rao

Member / Professor - CSM and Convener, IQAC

Dr.N.V.Srinivasa Rao
Dr.N.V.Srinivasa Rao

Member / Director-Finance & Administration

Dr.Kolla Srinivas
Dr.Kolla Srinivas

Ex-Officio/Member-Secretary / Principal

List of Institutions under NES

The Nagarjuna Education Society during its 50 years of existence established the following institutions, all known for quality education in their category. The notable feature is that none of the institutions had ever been closed temporarily or listed under ‘reduced intake’. There was never an instance when any of the institution had to challenge the action of the statutory bodies or seek redressal of grievances in a court of law.

  1. 1 Jagarlamudi Kuppuswamy Choudary College, Guntur (1968)
  2. 2 Dr. K.L.P. Public School, Guntur (1983)
  3. 3 R.V.R.R. College of Education, Guntur (1983)
  4. 4 R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Guntur (1985)
  5. 5 J.C. College of Law, Guntur (1990)
  6. 6 Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guntur (2005)
  7. 7 Madala Sakunthala Bhaskar College of Nursing, Guntur (2006)